Tkabber Pack 0.9.9

Tkabber-Pack is a Tkabber installer for MS Windows 98/2000/XP.

Note that Tkabber-Pack 0.9.9 due to some reasons does not include a Tcl/Tk runtime. You must have ActiveTcl, WinTclTk or other Tcl/Tk environment installed on your system, and Tkabber Pack provides the rest.

How to install

  1. Download and install ActiveTcl if it isn't available on your system. It's free of charge and around 20 MB of download.
  2. Download and install Tkabber-Pack 0.9.9 (1.02 MB)


  • Main:

    • Tkabber 0.9.9
    • Tkabber Plugins
  • Extensions:

    • TclWinidle
    • Tls 1.5
    • Winico 0.5

Missing features

Unfortunately there are things that I have not been able to get to work on Tkabber for Windows.
If you have any clue on them, please comment it.

  • Stream compression support: I didn't try to compile the required libraries.
  • GPG support: Unable to compile Tclgpgme, neither on Cygwin or MinGW.
  • OSD plugin: since it requires Xosd program, it's unlikely we will ever see it working on Windows.

Building tools

Those are the tools I used to make Tkabber-Pack

  • NSIS 2.01 (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System)
  • Psi NSIS installer script by Mircea Ionut Bardac (IceRAM)
  • Vim text editor.

Download the scripts I used to create it.


If you find any error, typo or want to contribute with a translation please add a comment here.

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