This little tutorial explains how to set up global hotkeys for Tkabber on Microsoft Windows.
Install Winutils
Donwload the Winutils library and unpack it on your Tkabber directory under "/tkabber/winutil/".
Configure Tkabber
Add those lines to your config.tcl file:
if {[file exists $rootdir/winutil/winutils.tcl]} { # This will load the neccessary dll on start up source $rootdir/winutil/winutils.tcl }
Setup your hotkeys
Now you can setup your prefered hot keys. For example, add those lines inside a hook::add finload_hook section in your config.tcl file:
hook::add finload_hook { winutils::hotkey #auto Ctrl+Shift+I { switch -- [wm state .] { normal { wm state . iconic } default { wm state . normal } } } }
Save the file and restart Tkabber. If everything went ok, you can show/hide the main Tkabber window pressing CTRL-SHIFT-I (my preferable hotkey in miranda ;)
Author: lKnight,
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