Client Time Frame is this possible


I am a student and I would like to create a XMPP client from first principles without using ready made libraries in Java.
I aim to have a jabber client working in 2 months that can connect to a public jabber server and receive just chat and presence information.
Is this possible?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Client Time Frame is this possible

[quote=action]I would like to create a XMPP client from first principles without using ready made libraries in Java.
I aim to have a jabber client working in 2 months that can connect to a public jabber server and receive just chat and presence information.
Is this possible?[/quote]
To make the simplistic client your runtime must support two things:

  • Asynchronous TCP sockets.
  • A XML library which is able to parse and create streams. The library must be able to parse XML data in chunks which may contain incomplete XML elements (thus being malformed).

Provided you have all this and some experience with working with these components, it should be possible to complete your task.

But I think it will be better if you turn your attention to free XMPP clients written in Java such as JBrother, Spark and so forth. Tkabber is written in Tcl/Tk and (luckily) has nothing to do with Java.

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