Cannot change out of tabbed mode

I learned from reading the manual that tabbed mode is not the only mode that TKabber supports. So, I tried to change it by adding the following like to C:\Program Files\Tkabber\.tkabber\config.tcl:

set usetabbar 0

It is the first line in config.tcl but I see no difference in how the program works. I'm using Tkabber pack 0.9.7 on the download page on Windows XP as administrator.


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Re: Cannot change out of tabbed mode

For now to change tabbed/untabbed mode you have to open Customize window, go to Main Interface group and change ::ifacetk::options(use_tabbar) option.

Funny you mentioned that, jus

Funny you mentioned that, just found that this morning. Thank you very much for your help.

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