Shortcut's (hotkey's) support

Hi,developer of Tkabber.
I've searched all docummentation,and Faq and tutorial's, but find no way how to
"set up" shortcuts for Presence changing.
I want to pleased developers to add support for changing and/or adding my own hotkeys for Presence
or for all actions in Tkabber.
Also for closing Tabs, i've recomendeing ESC like a hot-key.
or posibylity to change hotkey's

Thanks a lot for eading my terrible english.


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hotkeys in config.tcl

--- how to "set up" shortcuts for Presence changing... support for changing and/or adding my own hotkeys for Presence

It's not documented, but you can setup hotkeys to change presence. Edit your $HOME/.tkabber/config.tcl file and add these lines:

    bind . <Control-Key-F1>      {set userstatus chat}
    bind . <Control-Key-F2>      {set userstatus available}
    bind . <Control-Key-F3>      {set userstatus away}
    bind . <Control-Key-F4>      {set userstatus xa}
    bind . <Control-Key-F5>      {set userstatus dnd}
    bind . <Control-Key-F6>      {set userstatus invisible}

Restart Tkabber and you can change your presence using Ctrl+F1, F2...

--- Also for closing Tabs, i've recomendeing ESC like a hot-key.

Then you'll want to add this to the same file:

    bind . <Escape> {
	if {[.nb raise] != ""} {
	    eval destroy [pack slaves [.nb getframe [.nb raise]]]
	    .nb delete [.nb raise] 1
	    ifacetk::tab_move .nb 0
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