tkabber under FC2 anyone?

I have installed tkabber-0.9.7, BWidget-1.7 and tcllib-1.6-1 on a fedora core 2 system. When I try to start tkabber I get the following errors:
Error in startup script: can't find package uri 1.0
while executing
"package require uri 1.0"
(file "./jabberlib-tclxml/tclxml/sgmlparser.tcl" line 39)
invoked from within
"source ./jabberlib-tclxml/tclxml/sgmlparser.tcl"
("package ifneeded" script)
invoked from within
"package require -exact sgmlparser 1.0"
(file "./jabberlib-tclxml/tclxml/tclparser-8.1.tcl" line 41)
invoked from within
"source ./jabberlib-tclxml/tclxml/tclparser-8.1.tcl"
("package ifneeded" script)
invoked from within
"package require -exact xml::tclparser 2.0"
invoked from within
"if {[catch {package require -exact xml::c 2.0}]} {
package require -exact xml::tcl 2.0
package require -exact xmldefs 2.0
# Only choice is tclparse..."
("package ifneeded" script)
invoked from within
"package require -exact xml 2.0"
invoked from within
"if {![info exists use_external_tclxml] || $use_external_tclxml == 0} {
package require -exact xml 2.0
} else {
package require xml 2.0
(file "./jabberlib-tclxml/jabberlib.tcl" line 70)
invoked from within
"source ./jabberlib-tclxml/jabberlib.tcl"
("package ifneeded" script)
invoked from within
"package require jabberlib 0.8.4"
(file "./tkabber.tcl" line 173)

Any thoughts on what I need to load? Any help is greatly appericated.



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Nevermind - resolved

Dummy here finally looked at the new way of doing things and downloaded the tkabber-Starpack_0.9.7-Lin and chmod +x and ran it. poof instant tkabber... Great thanks

You must install Tcllib

It says at the beginning:

Error in startup script: can't find package uri 1.0

The package URI is included in Tcllib, one of the required packages for Tkabber, check the Requirements section. So, installing Tcllib will solve your problem.


Debes instalar todas las dependencias dentro del diectorio donde instalaste el tkabber.

O indicarle al archivo de ejecucion donde encontrarlas.

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