i don't have config.tcl in my home directory :(

I don't have config.tcl in my home directory :(, and i don't make any changes in interface my tkabber. When I find it? Im using Tkabber 0.9.5 beta downloaded from this site. I have change interface font (to iso8859-2) and colour scheme. please help me, and dont shut me - my english is simple.

Piotr Złocki

PS. If I can I translate en.msg to Polish language (i try do it).

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Get an example config.tcl

I suggest you to update to Tkabber 0.9.6. You will find some config.tcl example files on the 'examples' directory of Tkabber. You can try my badlop-config-home.tcl : copy it to $HOME/.tkabber and rename it to config.tcl.

Someone is maintaning pl.msg. More info on how to use it: http://tkabber.jabber.ru/files/doc/tkabber.html#s.preload-internation

Thank you :)

Thanks, i do it. My locale is set correct to pl_PL.

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