Set the extenstion used for the chat logging file?

Is there a way to tell tkabber what file extension to put at the end of the chat log files it generates? The setting under Chat>Logging lets me set where the logs are written, but i'm not sure if i can define what the filename extension should be in the path definition. Curenlty, tkabber uses either a _UserName or .com for a general room at the end of the file... throwing a .log or letting the user define it would be helpful.


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patch to add '.log' to filenames

Is there a way to tell tkabber what file extension to put at the end of the chat log files it generates?

There's no option to do that. A patch to append '.log' to filenames is as easy as this:

--- tkabber/plugins/chat/logger.tcl.orig	2005-04-16 10:44:59.000000000 +0200
+++ tkabber/plugins/chat/logger.tcl	2005-04-16 10:45:03.000000000 +0200
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
     variable options
     regsub -all {[@/|*+?]} $jid _ filename 
-    return ${options(logdir)}/$filename
+    return ${options(logdir)}/$filename.log
 proc ::logger::log_message {chatid from type body x} {
You can apply it yourself.

Update on managing filename extension for chat logs for 0.10.x?

Hi, Sorry to be a pest about this issue, the creation of .com files as the logs for the chat sessions is not practical. Configuring searching tools (like google desktop) to search .com's ("*.COM" system files) is not desired.

Can we get an update of this "patch" shown above that will work in the 0.10.x release of the product? Again, I'm just looking to be able to set the file extension used to write the log files.

Thanks again!

.log suffixes for log files

[quote=agrajag]the creation of .com files as the logs for the chat sessions is not practical. Configuring searching tools (like google desktop) to search .com's ("*.COM" system files) is not desired.[/quote]
This sounds reasonable and you're not the only Tkabber user asking for this feature. So the patch implementing addition of the ".log" suffix to filenames of all log files (where possible) is now being evaluated by the maintainer and this functionality is likely to go into 0.10.1.

[quote=agrajag]Can we get an update of this "patch" shown above that will work in the 0.10.x release of the product? Again, I'm just looking to be able to set the file extension used to write the log files.[/quote]
This suggestion is not well forethought: suppose a user mistakenly sets the extension to ".foo", then uses Tkabber for a while then changes her mind and opts for ".log" — then all log files named with trailing ".foo" are immediately rendered non-existent to the history management tool. Reformatting the log structure each time the user changes this setting isn't any better. So we opted to go with the ".log" suffix hardcoded.

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