Tksystray not working

Hi there,
I've just switched from PSI to Tkabber due to much better implementation of http polling but I have a problem with tray icon. I've tried to set Tkasystray using this tutorial -
Everything seems to be working except of the fact that Tkabber doesn't show the icon in tray and there is no Minimize to tray option in settings.

Thanks for any suggestion.


* Tkabber 0.9.7, Slackware Linux 10.0, KDE 3.3.2

Comment viewing options

Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes.

Show 1) the result of: w

1) the result of:

% package require Tray

2) your ~/.tkabber/config.tcl

1) petr@PRG000202:~/.tkabb

petr@PRG000202:~/.tkabber$ wish
% package require Tray
% exit
petr@PRG000202:~/.tkabber$ cat config.tcl
# Language
#::msgcat::mclocale en
if {[file exists ~/.tkabber/lang.tcl]} {
    source ~/.tkabber/lang.tcl

# Some additional code
if {[file exists $rootdir/examples/badlop-config.tcl]} {
    source $rootdir/examples/badlop-config.tcl

# Configure here your own options
hook::add finload_hook {

    #               Type your Jabber account information

    #                           User:
    set ::loginconf1(user)         XXXXXX
    #                           Server:
    set ::loginconf1(server)       XXXXXX
    #                           Password:
    set ::loginconf1(password)     XXXXXX

    #       Save the file, close the editor and continue

    # Secondary account
    set ::loginconf2(user)         ----------
    set ::loginconf2(server)       ----------
    set ::loginconf2(password)     "---------"

    if {![info exists ::loginconf1(profile)]} {
        set ::loginconf1(profile)      "$::loginconf1(user) @ $::loginconf1(server)"
    if {![info exists ::loginconf2(profile)]} {
        set ::loginconf2(profile)      "$::loginconf2(user) @ $::loginconf2(server)"

    set ::loginconf(resource)      TkabberP
    set ::loginconf(usessl)        1

    array set ::loginconf          [array get ::loginconf1]

    set autologin 1

    emoteicons::load_dir ~/.tkabber/icq

proc postload {} {
# look-and-feel

    global alert colors alert_lvls

    set alert_lvls(error)        1
    set alert_lvls(server)       1
    set alert_lvls(message)      2
    set alert_lvls(mesg_to_user) 3
    set alert_colors             {Black DarkBlue Blue Red}

    set raise_new_tab            1

# the message module

    set message::options(headlines,cache)    1
    set message::options(headlines,multiple) 1
set systray 1
set font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-2
set pixmaps_theme /usr/share/tkabber/pixmaps/gabber/
set load_default_xrdb 0
option readfile /home/petr/.tkabber/teopetuk.xrdb userDefault

All looks good. I can't expla

All looks good. I can't explain, why tkabber doesn't show icon in systray. Probably bugs in Tray package.

You could try the alternative way to show up systray icon. See

Tk_theme is working but there

Tk_theme is working but there is no "Minimize to tray" feature which I want :-(
But thanks anyway.

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