"wrong # args: should be "" wrong # args: should be "" while executing "random 1000000000" (procedure "jid_to_tag" line 8) invoked from within "jid_to_tag $jid" (procedure "addline" line 12) invoked from within "addline .roster group "$group_name ($online/$users)" $gid $gid $indent" (procedure "::ifacetk::roster::redraw" line 200) invoked from within "::ifacetk::roster::redraw" ("after" script) "What is it? Help, plz!
Roster bug
Submitted by constIM on Fri, 10/29/2004 - 14:01
Hi, i'm new to Tkabber and Tcl/Tk. When i try to login with existing account Tkabber throws an error message:
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Please specify Tkabber versio
Please specify Tkabber version, Tcl/Tk version, operating system, tcllib version, Bwidget version, Tclx version if any.
It's impossible to say something specific without full info.
version info
Tkabber 0.9.7, Active Tcl (Tcl/Tk 8.4, tcllib 1.6, BWidgets 1.7, Tclx CVS/Hd (has not been officially released?)), Win XP SP2.
Seems like bug in Tclx. Try t
Seems like bug in Tclx. Try to run the following script:
If the error message is present then remove Tclx from lib directory.
Where should i run this script and how? Tryed in tkabber.tcl and in config.tcl - doesn't work. After Tclx was removed from lib directory, Tkabber just stopped loading. :(
actually name clash between T
actually name clash between Tclx & Memchan.
recent version of latter also has a 'random' cmd.
Memchan is loading via md5 from tcllib and can be
bypassed by 'package require md5 1' instead of just
'package require md5'
try Tkabber-Pack
You may want to try Tkabber-Pack, it works perfectly for me.
I start Tkabber, then open the Tcl console (Help->Show Tcl console), and type this:
Ok, Tkabber-pack works!
Btw, if you're interested, when i tried to type the same in previous tkabber it showed the folowing:
"package require Tclx
(tkabber) 2 % random 1000000000
wrong # args: should be ""
(tkabber) 3 %"
What is 'random' used for?