can't change theme in tkabber 0.7.9 starkit

I've installed the tkabber starkit (0.7.9 I think) and have downloaded all the *.xrdb themes from the
CVS server, placed them in my .tkabber directory, and added "option readfile ~/.tkabber/ice.xrdb userDefault' to my .tkabber/config.tcl but whenever I start the tkabber starkit, I just get the default 'warm' theme (I appologise to the author of this theme, but I really don't like it).

I have a slightly older version of tkabber on my system (Linux Fedora Core 1.0) that is not a starkit, and
when I start that, it picks up the theme correctly.

I've even traced the starkit startup and it does open ~/.tkabber/config.tcl and read the option line.
I don't know whether it just ignores it, or something overrides it.

Can anyone tell me whether there is some reason the starkit version wont handle this sort of configuration, or suggest something I can try?



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Maybe the place where you put the line

I did exactly the same: copy green.xrdb to $HOME/.tkabber , edit $HOME/.tkabber/config.tcl and add, at the very end of the file (outside any {}) the line 'option readfile ~/.tkabber/green.xrdb userDefault'.

I started Kroc' Tkabber Starkit and all the interface was green. Then I started Tkabber-Starpack and it was also green. Removing the line again reversed to the old theme of course. I think you need to move the line to the end of the file.

Once you are able to use the theme you want, you should try also Tkabber-Starpack: it's updated to 0.9.7 from july, while Kroc's Starkit is some month old.

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